Unified Windows PE 4.0 builder for Windows ADK

This script will build Windows PE 4.0 (for x86, or AMD64 or both) including scripts and drivers of your choosing, it will create ISO images with both BIOS and UEFI support, and will also upload the resulting WIM boot images to your WDS server automatically (and freshen them if they have been re-created). This reduces the tiresome task of boot image maintenance to just a couple of clicks.

It uses only the standard Microsoft Windows ADK tools, which is the new name for WAIK. Just save the code below as Build_WinPE.cmd and right-click on it to Run as Administrator. Notice the defined variables at the start, particularly the %SOURCE% folder. It supports using either the 32bit or the 64bit ADK, and only the Windows PE and Deployment Tools ADK components are required. The script expects the following folders:

  • %SOURCE%\scripts\WinPE – any additional scripts (e.g. OS build scripts)
  • %SOURCE%\drivers\WinPE-x86\CURRENT – drivers
  • %SOURCE%\drivers\WinPE-AMD64\CURRENT
  • %SOURCE%\tools\WinPE-x86 – optional tools such as GImageX, or apps from portableapps.com
  • %SOURCE%\tools\WinPE-AMD64

Notice the optional components section at lines 90-95. Modify this if you need your image to contain additional items, for instance PowerShell or .NET Framework 4.

One further observation is that Macs don’t seem to be able to boot this version of Windows PE. I’m not sure whether this is a GOP display driver issue, or whether only true UEFI firmwares are required (Macs are EFI which is an earlier specification). To carry out an unattended Windows 8 install on a Mac via BootCamp you will need to build a Windows PE 3.0 ISO since Macs can’t PXE boot.

There’s some more info about UEFI booting on 32bit architectures here – apparently UEFI 2.3.1 compliance is a requirement. My VAIO’s Insyde H2O UEFI firmware certainly seems to ignore EFI loaders.

:: Build_WinPE.cmd
:: patters 2012
:: This script will build x86 and AMD64 Windows PE 4.0, automatically
:: collecting drivers from the relevant folders within the
:: unattended installation, building WIM and ISO images, and
:: will also upload the WIM images to the deployment server(s).
:: DO NOT cancel this script in progress as you can end up with
:: orphaned locks on files inside mounted WIM images which
:: usually require a reboot of the server to clear.

@echo off

     set SOURCE=\\WDSSERVER\unattended
     set PE_TEMP=C:\temp
     ::WinPE feature pack locale
     set PL=en-US
     ::commma separated list for WDS_SERVERS
::end variables


if not exist "%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\*.*" (
     echo This script requires the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit to be installed
     echo Download it from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30652
     goto :eof
if "%1"=="relaunch" (
     call :BUILD_WINPE %2 %3 %4
     goto :eof
if "%1"=="unmount" (
     :: use this if you have a problem with the script and there are WIMs still mounted
     dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-x86\mount" /discard
     dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-AMD64\mount" /discard
     goto :eof
set /P SELECTION=Build WinPE for which CPU architecture (AMD64, x86, both)? [AMD64]: 
if "%SELECTION%"=="amd64" set SELECTION=AMD64
if "%SELECTION%"=="X86" set SELECTION=x86
if "%SELECTION%"=="b" set SELECTION=both
if "%SELECTION%"=="AMD64" (
     start "Building Windows PE for AMD64 - NEVER CANCEL THIS SCRIPT IN PROGRESS" cmd /c "%0" relaunch AMD64
     goto :eof
if "%SELECTION%"=="x86" (
     start "Building Windows PE for x86 - NEVER CANCEL THIS SCRIPT IN PROGRESS" cmd /c "%0" relaunch x86
     goto :eof
if "%SELECTION%"=="both" (
     ::opening both instances of this script simultaneously seems to cause race conditions with dism.exe
     start /wait "Building Windows PE for x86 - NEVER CANCEL THIS SCRIPT IN PROGRESS" cmd /c "%0" relaunch x86 nopause
     start "Building Windows PE for AMD64 - NEVER CANCEL THIS SCRIPT IN PROGRESS" cmd /c "%0" relaunch AMD64
     goto :eof
goto :prompt

set PE_ARCH=%1
set OSCDImgRoot=%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Oscdimg
set WinPERoot=%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment
set DandIRoot=%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools
set DISMRoot=%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\DISM
set PATH=%PATH%;%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Oscdimg
set PATH=%PATH%;%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\BCDBoot
set PATH=%PATH%;%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\DISM
set PATH=%PATH%;%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment
echo on
rd /s /q %PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%
call copype.cmd %PE_ARCH% %PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%
::package path
set PP=%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\%PE_ARCH%\WinPE_OCs
::image path
set IP=%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\mount
echo on
dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\sources\boot.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"%IP%"
dism /image:"%IP%" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PP%\WinPE-Scripting.cab"^
 /PackagePath:"%PP%\%PL%\WinPE-Scripting_%PL%.cab" /PackagePath:"%PP%\WinPE-WMI.cab"^
 /PackagePath:"%PP%\%PL%\WinPE-WMI_%PL%.cab" /PackagePath:"%PP%\WinPE-MDAC.cab"^
 /PackagePath:"%PP%\%PL%\WinPE-MDAC_%PL%.cab" /PackagePath:"%PP%\WinPE-HTA.cab"^
 /PackagePath:"%PP%\%PL%\WinPE-HTA_%PL%.cab" /PackagePath:"%PP%\WinPE-Dot3Svc.cab"^
dism /image:"%IP%" /Add-Driver /driver:"%SOURCE%\drivers\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\CURRENT" /Recurse
copy "%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PE_ARCH%\BCDBoot\bootsect.exe" "%IP%\Windows"
copy /y "%SOURCE%\scripts\WinPE\*.*" "%IP%\Windows\System32"
copy "%SOURCE%\tools\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\*.*" "%IP%\Windows\System32"
copy /y "%PRGFILES32%\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\%PE_ARCH%\DISM\imagex.exe" "%IP%\Windows\System32"
dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%IP%" /commit

::Mac OS BootCamp will look for autorun.inf in order to validate this disk as a Windows Installer CD
::adding this allows us to start unattended installs using WinPE
date /T > "%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\autorun.inf"

::bootable ISO includes both BIOS & EFI boot loaders
oscdimg -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\fwfiles\etfsboot.com"#pEF,e,b"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\fwfiles\efisys.bin" "%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media" "%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\WinPE-40-%PE_ARCH%.iso"
@echo off

::rename the WIM file to avoid having multiple image files on the WDS server with the same filename
ren "%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\sources\boot.wim" boot_%PE_ARCH%.wim

if "%PE_ARCH%"=="x86" set WDS_ARCH=%PE_ARCH%
if "%PE_ARCH%"=="AMD64" set WDS_ARCH=X64
for %%i in (%WDS_SERVERS%) do (
     echo Adding/updating boot image on WDS server: %%i
     :: try to add the image first, if that fails then replace existing
     wdsutil /Verbose /Progress /Add-Image /ImageFile:"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\sources\boot-40-%PE_ARCH%.wim"^
      /Server:%%i /ImageType:Boot /Name:"Microsoft Windows PE 4.0 (%PE_ARCH%)" || wdsutil /Verbose /Progress /Replace-Image^
      /Image:"Microsoft Windows PE 4.0 (%PE_ARCH%)" /ImageType:Boot /Architecture:%WDS_ARCH% /ReplacementImage^
      /Name:"Microsoft Windows PE 4.0 (%PE_ARCH%)" /ImageFile:"%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\sources\boot-40-%PE_ARCH%.wim"^
::rename the WIM back again so bootable USB devices can be created
ren "%PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media\sources\boot-40-%PE_ARCH%.wim" boot.wim
echo *******************************************************************
echo WDS boot image(s) updated
echo A bootable ISO of this image has been created at:
echo   %PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\WinPE-40-%PE_ARCH%.iso
echo To create a bootable USB key, use diskpart.exe to create a FAT32 partition
echo and mark it active, then copy the contents of this folder to its root:
echo   %PE_TEMP%\WinPE-%PE_ARCH%\media
echo FAT32 is required for EFI support.
if "%2"=="nopause" goto :eof
goto :eof

4 thoughts on “Unified Windows PE 4.0 builder for Windows ADK

  1. John B


    I couldn’t find any generic means of contacting you (didn’t see an email address on the About page), but I just wanted to let you know that your Synology repository is down.

    This is the link I have been using:

    Thanks for your support of Synology!


  2. Jurian

    Any change to include the WIFI part of the script here as well? I really liked it for WinPE 3.1 but I can’t get that script to work for WinPE 4.0 (using Win8 files of cource).

    Much appreciated.


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