Tag Archives: nano

Cross-compiling nano with UTF-8 support for Synology

export CROSS_PREFIX=i686-pc-linux-gnu
export TARGET=i686-pc-linux-gnu
export TOOLCHAIN=/usr/local/evansport-pc-linux-gnu
export AR=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-ar
export AS=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-as
export CC=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-gcc
export CXX=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-g++
export LD=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-ld
export LDSHARED="${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-gcc -shared "
export RANLIB=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/${CROSS_PREFIX}-ranlib
export CFLAGS="-I${TOOLCHAIN}/include -O3 ${MARCH}"
export LDFLAGS="-L${TOOLCHAIN}/lib"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${TOOLCHAIN}/lib/pkgconfig"

#DSM 5.0 already includes libncursesw so we can link the nano binary to this
#fetch the source which was extracted from the Synology DSM 5.0 source tarball
wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1188556/ncurses-5.x.zip
unzip ncurses-5.x.zip
cd ncurses-5.x
./configure --prefix=${TOOLCHAIN} --host=${TARGET} --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --with-shared --without-normal --without-progs --without-debug --enable-widec
make install
cd ..
wget http://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.2/nano-2.2.6.tar.gz
tar xvzf nano-2.2.6.tar.gz
cd nano-2.2.6
#src/nano.h:92:20: fatal error: curses.h: No such file or directory
wget http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1188556/nano.h.patch
patch nano.h < nano.h.patch
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${TOOLCHAIN}/include/ncurses" ./configure --prefix=${TOOLCHAIN} --host=${TARGET} --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-utf8 --disable-nls --enable-color --enable-extra --enable-multibuffer --enable-nanorc
#sudo apt-get install texinfo
sed -i -e "s%^CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/include/ncursesw%CPPFLAGS = -I${TOOLCHAIN}/include/ncurses%" Makefile
sed -i -e "s%^CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/include/ncursesw%CPPFLAGS = -I${TOOLCHAIN}/include/ncurses%" src/Makefile
make install
#now install it to /usr/local/bin


--- src/nano.h.old      2014-09-17 12:16:15.006206100 +0100
+++ src/nano.h  2014-09-17 12:19:01.226206100 +0100
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@
 #define KEY_IC SL_KEY_IC
 /* Ncurses support. */
 #elif defined(HAVE_NCURSES_H)
-#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <ncursesw/ncurses.h>
 /* Curses support. */
-#include <curses.h>
+#include <ncursesw/curses.h>
 #endif /* CURSES_H */

 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS


syntax "BAS" "\.(bas|BAS|bas.txt)$"
color red "^ +[0-9]* "
color red "\b(GO TO|GO SUB) ([0-9]+)\b"
color yellow "\b(AND|NOT|OR)\b"
color yellow "(|=|<|>|<=|>=|<>)"
color magenta "\b(FOR [a-z]|NEXT [a-z]|GO TO|GO SUB|RETURN)\b"
color brightwhite "\b(IF|THEN)\b"
color green ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
color brightcyan "\bREM .*$"

# Syntax highlighting for XML files
# Author:  Josef 'Jupp' Schugt, jupp(a)rubyforge.org
# License: GPL 2  or later
# Version: 2004-02-25
syntax "ml" ".*\.([jrs]?html?|xml|sgml?)$"
color white "^.+$"
color green  start="<" end=">"
color cyan   "<[^> ]+"
color cyan   ">"
color yellow start="<!DOCTYPE" end="[/]?>"
color yellow start="<!--" end="-->"
color red    "&[^;]*;"

# Syntax highlighting for HTTP codes
# Author:  Josef 'Jupp' Schugt, jupp(a)rubyforge.org
# License: GPL 2  or later
# Version: 2004-02-25
syntax "urls"
color brightmagenta   "^.*$"
color cyan      "^(1[0-9][0-9]|20[256]|30[45]).*$"
color green      "^20[03].*$"
color brightyellow   "^(201|30[0-37]).*$"
color brightred      "^(204|[45][0-9][0-9]|666).*$"

# Syntax highlighting for CSS files
# Author:  Simon Rupf, simon.rupf(a)int-ag.ch
# License: GPL 2  or later
# Version: 2005-02-14
syntax "css" "\.css$"
color brightred     "."
color brightyellow  start="\{" end="\}"
color brightwhite           start=":" end="[;^\{]"
color brightblue    ":active|:focus|:hover|:link|:visited|:link|:after|:before|$"
color brightblue    start="\/\*" end="\\*/"
color green         ";|:|\{|\}"

syntax "sh" "\.sh$"
#icolor brightgreen "^[0-9A-Z_]+\(\)"
#color green "\b(case|do|done|elif|else|esac|exit|fi|for|function|if|in|local|read|return|select|shift|then|time|until|while)\b"
#color green "(\{|\}|\(|\)|\;|\]|\[|`|\\|\$|<|>|!|=|&|\|)"
#color green "-[Ldefgruwx]\b"
#color green "-(eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le|s|n|z)\b"
#color brightblue "\b(cat|cd|chmod|chown|cp|echo|env|export|grep|install|let|ln|make|mkdir|mv|rm|sed|set|tar|touch|umask|unset)\b"
icolor brightwhite "\$\{?[0-9A-Z_!@#$*?-]+\}?"
color brightcyan "(^|[[:space:]])#.*$"
#color brightyellow ""(\\.|[^"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
#color cyan ""(\\.|[^"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
#color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"

Compiling nano with UTF-8 support for Synology

The version of nano in Optware doesn’t have UTF-8 support for some reason. This took me ages to get working – hopefully it’ll help someone else.
I have made a compiled binary for Marvell Kirkwood CPU available here.

These are the steps taken to compile your own from source (you will need to have bootstrapped your NAS and have the development tools installed):

#-----compile ncurses static library - neither DSM nor ipkg provide headers
cd /volume1/@tmp
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ncurses/ncurses-5.9.tar.gz
tar xvfz ncurses-5.9.tar.gz
cd ncurses-5.9
./configure --prefix=/opt --enable-widec
mkdir /tmp/lib
cp lib/libncursesw.a /tmp/lib
cd ..
#-----compile nano
wget http://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.2/nano-2.2.6.tar.gz
tar xvfz nano-2.2.6.tar.gz
cd nano-2.2.6
./configure --prefix=/opt --includedir=/volume1/@tmp/ncurses-5.9/include --libdir=/tmp/lib --enable-utf8 --disable-nls --enable-color --enable-extra --enable-multibuffer --enable-nanorc
sed -i -e 's/^CPPFLAGS = -I\/usr\/include\/ncursesw/CPPFLAGS = -I\/volume1\/@tmp\/ncurses-5.9\/include -L\/tmp\/lib/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/^CPPFLAGS = -I\/usr\/include\/ncursesw/CPPFLAGS = -I\/volume1\/@tmp\/ncurses-5.9\/include -L\/tmp\/lib/' src/Makefile
sed -i -e 's/^LDFLAGS.*$/LDFLAGS = -L\/tmp\/lib/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/^LDFLAGS.*$/LDFLAGS = -L\/tmp\/lib/' src/Makefile
make install