Tag Archives: PowerShell

Certificate Services operations fail with error 0x80070057

While implementing a two-tier PKI I ran into the issue that certutil.exe -crl, and PowerShell cmdlets such as Get-CACrlDistributionPoint would fail on the Subordinate Domain CA with a generic error which made finding a solution very difficult:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CACrlDistributionPoint
Get-CACrlDistributionPoint : CCertAdmin::GetConfigEntry: The parameter is incorrect. 0x80070057 (WIN32:
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CACrlDistributionPoint
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-CACrlDistributionPoint], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.CertificateServices.Administration.Comm

PS C:\Windows\system32> certutil -crl
CertUtil: -CRL command FAILED: 0x80070057 (WIN32: 87 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
CertUtil: The parameter is incorrect.
PS C:\Windows\system32>

I had started off by following this guide on Technet Blogs:

Not long after proceeding I realised that I needed to alter certain aspects of the way it was configured. I started again and continued to use the same CA server hostnames but with new CA names, this time preferring to follow this guide by Derek Seaman:

Windows Server 2012 R2 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 1

However I encountered the errors with the subordinate CA refusing to run the PowerShell cmdlets relating to the Certificate Authority. The errors were also encountered by commenter “Per” on Derek’s blog post, and similarly reported in the comments on the Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory Certificate Services Microsoft Test Lab page:

There is a Microsoft KB referencing the same error at the time of creating the subordinate CA. The article implicates permissions, however this is a red herring.

It took a lot of trial and error, but eventually I did resolve this issue thanks to some pointers in a Microsoft Directory Services Team Blog post on troubleshooting Certificate Enrollment. I determined the root cause – several superfluous entries in Active Directory for an aborted CA installation. I needed to delete these with ADSIEdit, though I have subsequently discovered that you can also use the AD Sites and Services MMC snap-in to do this (at parent, View > Show Services Node). When I first attempted to set up the CAs I had been using the standard auto-generated names because I had thought that not doing so might invite trouble later on – so my subordinate domain CA had published itself to Active Directory at CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services using the name domain-HOSTNAME-CA.

I had thought this entry was sane when I was looking back over the ADSIEdit output while investigating the problem – because I know it formats the cert request using this notation. Then I remembered that I had not used this CA name in my subsequent CA installation attempt. I removed this old name entry from Active Directory and it immediately fixed the issue. I guess because although it was for a different CA installation attempt, crucially it shared the same server hostname, hence the problem when PowerShell was invoking Certificate Services to query the Directory Service.

Following this, I then pruned similar superfluous records for the same abortive CA installation attempt which were located at:
CN=KRA,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services
CN=AIA,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services
CN=MY_CA_HOSTNAME,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services

PowerShell for EAP-PEAP secured SSTP VPN on Windows 8.1

Simple VPN configurations can be deployed by Group Policy but EAP authentication settings cannot be configured like this, even using Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2. Microsoft added some new PowerShell cmdlets to Windows 8.1 for configuring VPNs, but the worked examples do not appear to function for all the settings for PEAP connections, and they do not show a worked example of how you go about exporting and re-importing a connection’s XMLStream.

Defining the XML as a block within the script itself, even assigning it as data type XML does not seem to work. Not being particularly accustomed to PowerShell, the following script took a while to get right. I assigned it as a laptop startup script by GPO. If I need to modify the connection in future I can increment the version number since the script checks the local machine Registry for that, and will not install if the desired version marker is already present.

# VPN Connection EAP-PEAP VPN provisioning 
# patters 2013

# This script is loosely based on the EAP-TTLS one published by Microsoft at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj613766.aspx
# The worked examples on that page and at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj554822.aspx
# are rudimentary, and in some details for PEAP, incorrect. To set advanced options like the TrustedRootCAs and the
# the server identity checking warning, you *must* export a GUI-authored config as XML. Configuring XML attributes alone
# will not work because some of them are missing when creating a new connection, and adding them results in errors.

# Check for marker in the Registry, and quit if found
# Desired version is 1
$version = 1
$test = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" "MyCompany VPN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($test -eq $null) {
       $test = 0
} else {
       $test = $test."MyCompany VPN"
If ($test -ge $version) {exit} 

# VPN Connection look-up to remove any previous installations
$isTestVpn = $false
$vpnConnections = Get-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection
If($vpnConnections.Name -eq "MyCompany VPN") {Remove-VpnConnection -Name "MyCompany VPN" -AllUserConnection -Confirm:$false -Force}
$vpnConnections = Get-VpnConnection
If($vpnConnections.Name -eq "MyCompany VPN") {Remove-VpnConnection -Name "MyCompany VPN" -Confirm:$false -Force}

       #The following section documents the attempts to get this working manually before I got importing/exporting of XML working

       # http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj554822.aspx says to use "New-EapConfiguration -Peap" here, but is wrong      
       #$a = New-EapConfiguration

       # Generate configuration XML for PEAP authentication method with EAP-MSCHAPv2 as its inner method
       #$b = New-EapConfiguration -Peap -VerifyServerIdentity -FastReconnect $true -TunnledEapAuthMethod $a.EapConfigXmlStream

       # Edit properties within the generated configuration XML
       #$c = $b.EapConfigXmlStream
       #$c.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.ServerNames = "vpn.mycompany.com"

       # Specify AddTrust Root CA for Comodo - This attribute is missing unless you create the connection using the GUI
       # The following appears to generate the XML correctly, but it won't be accepted by the Add-VpnConnection cmdlet
       #$c.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.SetAttribute("TrustedRootCA","02 fa f3 e2 91 43 54 68 60 78 57 69 4d f5 e4 5b 68 85 18 68")   

       # PeapExtensions settings are nested XML objects so setting them as string datatype will fail
       # see http://www.vistax64.com/powershell/173859-xml-property-text.html
       #$c.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.PeapExtensions.PerformServerValidation."#text" = "true"
       #$c.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.PeapExtensions.AcceptServerName."#text" = "true"
       # Once again this attribute is missing unless the connection is created using the GUI. Adding it does not work
       #$c.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.PeapExtensions.PeapExtensionsV2.AllowPromptingWhenServerCANotFound."#text" = "true"      

       # Create the VPN connection ‘MyCompany VPN’ with the EAP configuration XML generated above
       #Add-VpnConnection -Name "MyCompany VPN" -ServerAddress "vpn.mycompany.com" -TunnelType Sstp -EncryptionLevel Maximum -AuthenticationMethod Eap -EapConfigXmlStream $c -AllUserConnection

       # FORTUNATELY THERE IS AN EASIER WAY (once you figure out PowerShell XML – why couldn’t MS have shown a worked example in the docs)...

       # Create your VPN configuration entry manually then export its XML like so:
       #$exportXML = (Get-VpnConnection -Name "My_VPN_Final" -AllUserConnection).EapConfigXmlStream

       $importXML = New-Object XML
       $importXML.Load("\\mycompany.com\data\Software\MyCompany VPN\MyCompany VPN.xml")
       Add-VpnConnection -Name "MyCompany VPN" -ServerAddress "vpn.mycompany.com" -TunnelType Sstp -EncryptionLevel Maximum -AuthenticationMethod Eap -EapConfigXmlStream $importXML -AllUserConnection
       # Leave a marker in the Registry
       If (-Not (Test-Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany")) {New-Item -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany"}
       if (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" "MyCompany VPN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
              Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "MyCompany VPN" -Value $version
       } else {
              New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "MyCompany VPN" -Value $version

       Write-Host "Error in connection setup!"
       Write-Host $_.Exception.Message